Upcoming Sessions Taking Place in Brooklyn, NYC 
Current Session Dates Available For NYC are listed below!
These daylight photo sessions are setup and crafted for a unique Brooklyn Photo Experience, each session will yield a beautiful, well worked, strong modeling portfolio, fully ready for what comes next!
Each participant will shoot, 1 Styled Look. 
(Looks will be styled from clients wardrobe, we will give full guidance on what to bring for each individual shoot. 
Sessions Include: 
Styling Guidance, fully edited and ready to use edits, great on set direction, gallery of all photos taken (For image selection).

Total Cost
(Additional looks ($75), up to 3 Looks)

Each sessions is 60 minutes long! (If booking more than one look, add 30 mins to session for each addl. look, i.e. (3 Looks is 120 min session.)

These sessions are a perfect opportunity for anyone looking who may be looking to get into modeling, and have been just looking for the right opportunity to come along, or experienced models looking to dynamically build their portfolio.  Photo are guaranteed to empress agencies and enhance social media engagement.
Shoot is perfect for updating: Headshots, Commercial/Fashion book, Model updates (digitals). 
Great direction and posing advice is provided to ensure that each session comes out looking clean and professional.
All interested parties please fill out the contact form below and I will coordinate with you for your requested date and time.
Sessions yield 7 - 9 fully edited images per look and are delivered within 10 days of the shoot date, ready to be used in anyway that you would like.

**** Sessions will be conducted at FD Photo Studio, Scott Ave, Brooklyn *****
Thank You,
Available NYC dates:
Studio Session Dates:​​​​​​​
March 22nd (1030am or 1pm)
March 23rd (11am, 1pm, or 3pm)

April 5th (11am or 1pm) 
April 6th (1130am or 2pm)

Interested? Please fill out the form below, please let me know which date would be best for you and which time of day you prefer (Morning or Afternoon)
Thank You For Your Business!
Cost of the one look session is $265
** Scale**
1 Look ($265) / 2 Looks ($340) / 3 Looks ($415)
Deposit of $145 needed to reserve sessions
Thank you! Your booking will be confirmed via email promptly. With in the hour! Please ensure to complete payment via one of the methods below. Ensure to include name on payment.

Thank You!! 
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